Monday, December 30, 2019


 SI Units 
  1. Math Symbol and compound formula
  2. S I Unit formula
  3. SI unit-table
  4. State -and-capital
  5. loss and profit

Table I. Basic Units

Length meter m 1983, 17th CGPM:  The path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 seconds. This fixes the speed of light to exactly 299792458 m/s.
Mass kilogram kg 1901, 3rd CGPM:  Mass of the platinum-iridium prototype at BIPM in Sevres.
Time second s 1968, 13th CGPM:  One second equals 9192631770 periods of the radiation due to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of Cesium 133.
Electric current ampere A 1948, 9th CGPM:  Given two parallel, rectilinear conductors of negligible circular cross-section positioned 1 m apart in vacuum, one ampere is the electric current which, passing through both of them, makes them attract each other by the force of 2.10-7 newtons per every meter of length. This fixes the permeability of vacuum to exactly 2π*10-7 H/m.
Temperature kelvin K 1968, 13th CGPM:  One degree K equals 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.
Quantity of substance mole mol 1971, 14th CGPM:  The amount of a substance composed of as many specified elementary units (molecules, atoms) as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of Carbon 12.
Luminosity candle cd 1979, 16th CGPM:  The candle (or candela) is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540.1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 W/sr.

Table II. Derived units with assigned names

QuantityUnitSymbolEqualsDefinition / Note
Space and time:
Plane angle radian rad The plane angle which,  when centered in a circle, cuts off an arc whose length is equal to the circle radius.
Solid angle steradian sr The solid angle which,  when centered in a sphere, cuts off a cap whose surface equals that of a square having the radius as side.
Frequency hertz Hz 1 s-1[number of events or cycles]/[time]. 
Force newton N 1 kg.m.s-2[mass].[acceleration]. 
Pressure pascal Pa 1 N.m-2[force]/[area]. Also: stress. 
Energy joule J 1 N.m [force].[length]. Also: Work, Heat 
Power watt W 1 J.s-1[energy]/[time]. Also: Radiant flux 
Temperature celsius oC 1 K T [oC] = T [K] -273.15 (the offset is exact!). 
Charge coulomb C 1 A.s [current].[time]. 
Potential volt V 1 W.A-1[power]/[current]. Only differences are measurable! 
Resistance ohm Ω 1 V.A-1[Δpotential]/[current]. 
Conductance siemens S 1 A.V-1[current]/[Δpotential]. 
Capacitance farad F 1 C.V-1[charge]/[Δpotential]. 
Inductance henry H 1 V.s.A-1[Δpotential]/[rate of change of current]. 
Magnetic flux weber Wb 1 J.A-1[energy]/[current]. 
Magnetic flux density tesla T 1 Wb.m-2[magnetic flux]/[area]. Also magnetic induction. 
Luminous flux lumen lm 1 [luminosity].[solid angle]. 
Illuminance lux lx 1 lm.m-2[luminous flux]/[area]. 
Convergence dioptry dioptry 1 m-1Inverse of focal length. 
Radioactivity and radiation:
Activity becquerel Bq 1 s-1[number of decay events]/[time]. 
Absorbed dose gray Gy 1[energy]/[mass]. 
Dose equivalent sievert Sv 1[energy]/[mass]. Absorbed dose re-normalized by biological effects. 
Katalytic activity katal kat 1 mol.s-1[quantity of substance]/[time]. 

Table III a. SI Units prefixes

PrefixSymbolFactorExamples of usageOrigin
Yotta Y 10240.2 YW, 1.23Y [W] Greek 'octo' (eight, 10008)
Zetta Z 10213.33 Zs, 3.33Z [s] French 'sept' (seven, 10007)
Exa E 10181.23 Ekg, 1.23E [kg] Greek 'six' (10006)
Peta P 10157.5 Ps, 7.5P [s] Greek 'five' (10005)
Tera T 10120.5 Tm, 0.5T [m] Greek 'teras' = monster 
Giga G 1091.2 GΩ, 1.2G [Ω] Greek 'gigas' = giant 
Mega M 1067 MW, 7M [W] Greek 'megas' = large 
Kilo Kk 10333 km, 33K [m] Greek 'kilioi' = thousand 
hecto h 100 Deprecated by SI Greek 'hekaton' = hundred 
deca da 10 Deprecated by SI Greek 'deka' = ten 
deci d 0.1 Deprecated by SI Latin 'decima pars' = one tenth 
centi c 0.01 Deprecated by SI Latin 'centesima pars' = one hundredth 
milli mk 10-322 mm , 1.2m [m] Latin 'millesima pars' = one thousandth 
micro µu 10-62.7 uJ , 2.7µ [J] Greek 'mikros' = small 
nano n 10-92.2 nF, 2.2n [F] Latin 'nanus' = dwarf 
pico p 10-121.5 pA, 1.5p [A] Spanish 'pico' = minimal measure 
femto f 10-154.8 fs, 4.8f [s] Danish and Norvegian 'femten' = fifteen (10-15)
atto a 10-181.2 ag, 1.2a [g] Danish and Norvegian 'atten' = eighteen (10-18)
zepto z 10-210.2 zm, 1.2z [m] French 'sept' (seven, 1000-7)
yocto y 10-241 ys, 1y [s] Greek 'octo' (eight, 1000-8)

Table III b. Binary prefixes for Bytes
which are not a part of SI 
Kilo KB 2101024 12345 KB = 12 641 280 bytes 
Mega MB 2201 048 576 420 MB fits in my PC's dynamic RAM 
Giga GB 2301 073 741 824 16 GB flash-memory pen drive costs $20 
Tera TB 2401 099 511 627 776 3.9 TB hard disks are a reality 
Peta PB 2501 125 899 906 842 624 13.5 PB is the CIA total memory capacity 
Exa EB 2601 152 921 504 606 846 976 1 EB is still a bit out of reach (AD 2010) 
Zetta ZB 2701 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 How many ZB to hard-copy a human being ??? 
Yotta YB 2801 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 1 YYB is still nothing compared with the Universe 

Table IV. Accepted non-SI units
compiled according to the US Federal Register (ref.4).
UnitofSymbolEqualsDefinition / Note
Degree of arc plane angle o(π/180) rad 
Minute of arc plane angle ' (1/60) o
Second of arc plane angle " (1/60)' 
Minute time min 60 s 
Hour time h 60 min 
Day time d 24 h Notice that the duration of a day is not linked to Earth motion! 
Liter volume Ll 0.001 m3Often used sub-units are deciliter (dl) and centiliter.(cl). 
Gram mass g 0.001 kg A tolerated anomaly: the basic unit of mass (kg) has a prefix. 
Ton mass t 1000 kg More precise term: metric ton. 
Bit information bit - The smallest, dimensionless quantum of information 
Baud rate info flux Baud 1 bit.s-1[amount of information]/[time] 
Neper ratio Np log(A/B) Measure of a ratio A/B. The logarithms are in base 10. 
Bel ratio B 0.5 Np Mostly used as decibel (dB): 1 dB = (1/20) Np. 

Table V. Accepted non-SI units 
Electronvolt energy eV 1.60217733(49).10-19 JEnergy to move an electron across a potential difference of 1 V. 
Astronomical unit length auAUua 1.49597870(30).10+11 mMean Earth-to-Sun distance. Also denoted as ua. 
Atomic mass unit mass u 1.6605402(10).10-27 kg1/12 of the rest mass of an unbound 12C atom in ground state. 

Table VI. Units deprecated by 
Nautical mile length mile 1852 m 
Knot velocity knot 1 mile.h-1A nautical unit. 
Are area are 100 m2
Hectar area ha 100 are 10000 m2 
Bar pressure bar 100000 Pa Almost 1 atm = 101325 Pa (an obsolete unit) 
Calory energy cal 4.1868 J Note: the conversion factor is fixed by convention. 
Ångström length Å 10-10 mUsed in atomic and molecular physics. 
Barn area b 10-28 m2Used in particle physics (collision cross-sections). 
Radioactivity and radiation:
Curie Radioactivity b 3.7*10+10 BqNote: the conversion factor is fixed by convention. 
Röntgen Radiation dose R 0.000258 the conversion factor is fixed by convention. 
Rad Radiation dose rad 0.01 Gy 
Rem Equivalent dose rem 0.01 Sv 



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